The Royal Commissions report today came as little surprise to anyone involved in Mental Health, particularly in Victoria. Hopefully now the light has been shone on the problem and lack of support this can be the beginning of an improvement in the provision of high quality help and services.
The Male Hug is a registered not for profit organisation run by volunteers. Our focus is preventative positive mental health.
60% of our Australian workforce have had, or are currently living with, a mental health condition.*
*SuperFriend Indicators of a Thriving Workplace
Mental Health training is more important than ever before. We implore people to not wait for a problem before trying to understand mental health. We know that prevention and education is a far better approach than the pursuit of a cure. The time to act is now.
What we do
Educational Presentations and Workshops
Hosting education sessions in the community and in business we make discussions about mental health very normal and get people comfortable talking about mental health.
We know mentally healthy teams perform better.
Delivered to community groups, associations and businesses we deliver tailored workshops to groups of people (men and women) on the importance of, and tips for maintaining, good mental health. We have a particular focus on the importance of men talking.
Having skills-based training on how to have conversations there is a massive ripple-on-the-pond effect. It opens up transparent conversations, it opens up trust, it can have an affect on business and family.
Learn more about our programs and workshops.
Real people, real conversations.
In addition to raising awareness, we provide practical support
We provide our community with access 1 to 1 conversations with our Buddies across Australia. These are hand selected non-clinicians who are trained volunteers that understand men’s mental health and man our 24/7 support service for men in need of conversation. Our buddies attend monthly training sessions to ensure they are best placed to help.
Learn more about our Let’s Chat Buddy Program.