The Extra steps
In part 2 of our Lockdown tips we conclude some more important extra steps you can take to help yourself improve your physical and mental wellbeing.
Practice a daily meditation. It sounds a bit new age to many but it really does work. Here is one for beginners
Gratitude. Don’t focus on what you’re missing. Concentrate on what you’re grateful for writing these things down can be really therapeutic.
Drink healthy. Drinking 4 pints of water is harder than drinking 4 pints of beer for some reason but it’s worth doing.
Eat healthy. A bowl of chips is easier and more tempting than a bowl of salad but well-balanced eating and physical health is key to mental health
Active distractions. Find your project, for some, calming and creative activities like reading, cooking and drawing are helpful distractions for others something more physical like gardening or small building projects may be the key. Bunnings are still delivering.
Dedicate time to do things you enjoy. Spending some time on what you enjoy will give some relief from anxious thoughts and feelings and can boost your mood. This could be as simple as allowing yourself time one afternoon, guilt free, to watch a rerun of the 2008 Grand Final.
Time will pass, the clouds will lift. Hang in there and good times will return.
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